Well I have pretty much spent the last month driving across the country, eating vegan food for 2 weeks as an experiment, then getting pneumonia and a kidney infection, being in the hospital for an entire week, attempting to get better only to get bronchitis, and now trying to be productive in my first weeks of school.
So there hasn't really been much to write about, aside from a detailed report on the various ER's/hospital rooms I've experienced.
It's been a challenge, a difficult one. I know I wouldnt have gotten through it if it wasn't for Aaron, and my family. I'm so thankful to finally be on the mend, but I would REALLY REALLY like to get back to normal life.
Whatever that is exactly.
I think I'm only writing because I feel reclused from everyone today. It's my own fault, I know. But there's so much I want to say, and cant. Where is all that supposed to go? Somedays the number of answers I dont have really gets to me. But scars heal. And one day, none of this will hurt at all. At least, that's what I pray for.