kk, so best lines from tonight:
Ericka - "K, so you should be naked right now...actually you should be wearing NEGATIVE clothes" (After I lost 5 games of {well a game where you run a yellow light and have to hit the ceilng and say "sex" therefore it is called, Sex"} in the car, and was only wearing 4 articles of clothing)
Me - *Breaks in to the room and at rediculous speeds starts changing from one shananigan adventure and getting ready for another, while Trisha is watching a movie*
"Ummm, who is that guy and why is Gwenith Paltrow about to have sex with him?"
Trisha - "umm, shes not. And thats William Shakespear"
*after getting into an elevator*
Ericka - uhhh, what floor are we even on
Me - Three I think?
Ashton - "no it definently said 4 on the wall when we walked out"
*Guys in the elevator are staring at us*
Me- "Uhh, well we are on 8 right now"
*Guys walk out*
Ashton - "ohhh, well haha we were just dropping you guys off, ya know..your own personal escorts" *thinks* "oh shit..NO NOT THAT KIND" *elevator door closes*
*As we are walking down the sidewalk desheveled and limping in our heels*
Ashton - "Im gonna pay someone...no wait, first im going to GET SOME CASH! and then im going to pay someone to give me a piggy back ride"
Me - "I am SOO glad my tattoo healed for this, man the last time was RIGHT AFTER i got it and well I..."
Ashton - "OOOOH MYY GOD!! I told like 5 people that story, no Leslie, you dont even understand I was like GUYS GUYS I INVITED HER CAUSE SHES SUCH A BADASS"
Ericka - "Wait what??"
Me - "Yes, since your so good at it please tell this story"
Ashton - "ok okok, sooo 'There is this girl in my writing class, Leslie, and she was like 'Hey guys look I got a tattoo over spring break' and shows us and I was like 'Aww les, thats soo cute' and she was like 'yeah, then we went clubbing and some guy put his hand on my hip AND I ELBOWED HIM IN THE EYE and said 'DONT TOUCH ME ASS HOLE I HAVE A TATTOO'"
Ericka *looks at me curiously*
Me - "Well, it was KINDA like that"
*Guy number one* "Duuuude DO NOT GO IN THAT ROOM! That is NOT the bathroom*
*I look over*
Ashtons Friend "I was at one point literally standing in a circle of creepers thinking 'God, dont touch me, please dont touch me, ok seriously DO NOT touch me' When this guy comes out of nowhere and is like "WHY ARE YOU TRYING TO DANCE WITH MY GIRRLLL" and I was like, 'WOW, dude, you can TOTALLY have my number for that'"
Ashtons Friend again "wow, hes hitting on me, in a txt, I have hated him since i was 11, DO NOT HIT ON ME RIGHT NOW, wow he just said "we should do the thing sometime" 'Really? Wow, what "thing" should we "do" John?"
Me- "txt that EXACT thing back to him, right now,"
MMMM, Infiity pools, loud music, cherry juice, condensation from the ceiling, two trips to DownTown in ONE night, a bowl of Jello and a LOT of friends... I call it good.
Sigh...It was a good night/morning...now I need to go to sleep, It is 324 and I am still up, yet again.. But I will go to sleep happy, that I pulled a Lauren on the dance floor with a *somebody*(mmm??!! cough)
and for once stopped being mad, and got VERY even ;)
Thankyou Stacey for getting "I love college" stuck in my head, I shall sleep to that my friends, I will Sleep to that... :)
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