-Prada Bags
-Coach Shoes
-A good shade of lipstick
-A perfect hairbrush
-A love song
But I can seriously say that the moments in life that make me feel the best (that dont have to do with anyone else) Are with things like:
-A perfect 3 part harmony attained in a worship setting
-A very provacative one-liner that ends a chapter of a book and makes you feel cold and hot at the same time. And makes your head spin with thought.
-And finally, lines found in journal articles of medical archives at 3am that prove 2 years of research paper writing on a certain subject, lines such as:
"But some scientists said that until they can obtain funding to create new embryonic-stem-cell lines, the new policy will go only part of the way toward eliminating restrictions that have hindered research."
I swear next time "DO YOU HAVE PROOF" Is written in the margins of my paper THAT I GOT AN 85 ON, because my professor didnt understand(Or have any background) on the paper SHE asked ME to write. Im printing this out and handing it to her.
ooooooooooooooooooooooh, chills one of my favorite songs just came on "KRWLING" by Linkin Park, but its on "reanimations" so theres like a 3 minute intro thats amazing.
I should go back to my paper now, im feeling rather fiesty. :)
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