Well this weekend was the hall's GYRAD...It was kind of massively stressful before hand...but I think most all of us had fun, and are kind of glad its overwith now...
So to begin with, I got Trisha a date with a guy named AJ who is just hillarious/really sweet, great for Trisha....and Trisha got me a date with a guy named Graham, who is in my Sociology class 3 times a week, and we had never met before, kinda funny...But He was great and funny, and the night was pretty awesome.
Trisha, Sarah, Natalie, Me, and all of our dates were planning on riding the shuttle to the date because none of us "had cars" Well we got to the shuttle only to realize that 3 of us actually had cars, and that the shuttle was a horrible idea...So since
Graham didnt want to drive "turbo" (his named car that will be highlighted later in the story) as someone had recently driven turbo over a small cliff, (LOL) we rode in sarah and sarah's dates cars...well Paul (sarahs date) only has two seats, so Graham and I volunteer to take those spots.. So within 5 minutes of this date, im literally squished in the middle of a manual transmittion truck with my date and another guy Ive never met before, and sitting ON my date everytime Paul has to shift into reverse (it became a joke rather quickly)
Then we get there, with the massive amounts of people who were also on the "Freak Seek" And proceed to search for dressed up members of 3rd North, and ask them if they were "the freak we seek." In about 30 seconds it became very clear that as a memeber of the PLNU Basketball AND track teams, Graham was not accustomed to losing...so we ran.. A LOT. But sadly we did not find enough freaks, and I was left to heal poor Grahams heart....
But this is the whole crew...

And this is the "Tall Couple, Short Couple" Shot that Graham and his roommate Grant, wanted to take..
And Megan, Trisha, and I
SO..we got food, then went to get frozen yogurt, where most of us bonded, and 3 of our dates decided to become very interesting in "Planet Earth" Where a family of seals fought off an aligator...yeah it was interesting? lol
We then went back to campus to get ready to go hottubbing and rode in the aforementioned "Turbo" Now turbo has rules..."you must always where saftey glasses..."Ones that look like this...
Check out AJ's, hes in the back with Trisha, and I literally cannot look at him without laughing anymore.
Also the rules "No Rap"
And "No matter what happens, you may never EVER press the white button"
*havent got a chance to try that yet, but you know im going to soon...lol*
On the way there Graham was playing "Syndicate" by the Fray, I made it through the entire song, and didnt get the slightest bit sad, which was a HUGE acheivement...So I make a comment like "gotta love the Fray" and its then that I learned that I was on a date with someone who "If you exagerate a little, and shorten the story a lot" played in the Fray. LOL Actually its pretty sweet, Graham went to school with the fray, they played in his high school's worship band, and he took over drums after they left, so when they'd come back for reunions he got to play with them...It was pretty much the greatest claim to fame Ive ever heard...
Then we went hottubbing, and kinda broke into the hilton, not going to lie its kinda handy having a date who can literally jump a fence in one try to let us in...we were there for like 4 hours, and played numerous games and told super fun scar stories, it was pretty great.
Than apparently this date STILL wasnt long enough, so we went to the park above Fermanian, where everyone gets married, and set up camp with snacks, movies, and sleeping bags, and were there for another 3 hours attempting to watch "Sahara." It was weird, cause I remember the first time I watched it, it being on the side of a house and being VERY loud, and this time it was on a computer and we couldnt hear it...lol. And when the computer died, Grant gave us the awesome rendition of the ending with Dirk, "Jessica" and "Newiski", he made up something about the chick in the movie actually being pregnant, pretty sure thats not how the end of the movie goes, but ya know what ever. We had fun taking rediculous pictures anyway, and until the sprinklers came on and totally soaked us (they come on at 4am at fermaninan..good to know) we were pretty comfy..

Great night...
So then you think.."Big Friday, Uneventful Relaxing Saturday" right? No, not even close...So I wake up late, and get a bunch of stuff done before work, then the "Dodgeball Tournament" was last night, pretty awesome, tons of free food, and forzen yogurt, (Plus as I was "on duty" I got paid to eat free food, that was pretty bomb")
Then Grant finds us again and is like "Hey we should go on an adventure later"
So yeah I love adventures that START at 1 am..lol
So we climbed buildings...yes climbed buildings, I thought for sure I was going to get fired...I didnt...But we did a lot of hiding, and got a LOT of bruises...
We climbed Nicholson first, which involved a lot of near death experiences, such as being hoiseted from were lauren took this next picture..up to where grant is,..by grant...it was pretty hillarious..
*Injury report*
From this "hoisting" I have bruised ribs, broke a blood vessel in my stomach, smashed my knee cap on a wall, and scratched both of my wrist in a manner that makes me look a bit suicidal...
BUT we got great pics...lol
Campus looks great from up here....
Some shots were we were supposed to be "Sleeping" and "look at the person to our left as if they are out lovers" - grant..lol didnt work out so well.
This was because Grant was trying to get us to take pictures as he yelled out senerios...this one was "You walked in on old people having sex" Apparently Trisha and Lauren would have been laughing..ahaha
These next ones were sweet, we totally climbed the trelis outside of the library...yep super fun.
Then we climbed Brown Chapel, and all layed on eachothers stomachs and played the "Ha" game, where you have to say Ha and then try not to laugh histerically, but it never works, especally not at 4am..so we are feeling eachother laugh and Grants on my stomach and says "You dont really puff when you laugh, you clench every once in a while" And I was like " yeah I tend to flex my abs when I laugh"
Me - "No ABS!, HAHA or maybe both?!?!?"
Grant - "Alright! Well everyone flip this thing over and we'll check it out!"
Then somehow we start talking about Nutella, and Grant gets all pissed off because when he lived in Kenya, that was all he could eat, they didnt have regular Peanut butter, this is kinda what happened,
Megan- YOU DONT LIKE NUTELLA??? Its like Sex in a jar!"
Leslie - " haha Grants thinking 'Gee I sure hope not, NUTELLA SUCKS"
yeah the laughter that ensued after was enough to wake the entire campus...
So then we break INTO the chapel and wander for a bit, then head back to our rooms and Trisha and I start to get ready for bed, when we realize that the sun is coming up...so we make "melty cheese, and turkey sandwhiches ("churkey sammiches" as we actually called them) sit on our beds and have fun roommate bonding time, then head off to bed...
Great Great Weekend. I have to say, having this week to just be me and not worry about anyone else, made me super glad Im here. :D
1 comment:
Nobody deserves a sexy date as much as you do!!!
Did you touch his hiney? Just askin'...
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