And yet..still consider it a good day because of my awesome friends :)
It all started with sara posting this pic.

Leslie Vincent at 5:31pm June 17
this is the weirdest frickin picture of all of us...I look like i have a black eye..
Sara Nadine Scott at 5:32pm June 17
Ummm, I look like I have a bun in the oven. hahaha
Andi Zynda at 5:39pm June 17
maybe it's because we were all fire burnin' on the dance floor 2 seconds previous to this and someone screamed PHOTO OPPPPPPPP and we all ran here sweaty, glorious, and ready to model our dresses to resemble our American Flag color scheme of dresses. BTW- this is how the Flag should be redesigned...can I get a what what.
Sara Nadine Scott at 5:40pm June 17
Andi Zynda at 5:45pm June 17
i didn't mean to say dresses twice or capitalize Flag... MR BECCCKKKK
scary tv that wouldn't turn off just popped in my head.
i laughed....
lets hang out. :(
Elyse Ledy at 6:30pm June 17
ohhhhh wow i just realized how much i miss you all and zanzibar's ridiculousness :) that was one of the greatest picture comments i've read in a LONG time!
Sara Nadine Scott at 6:31pm June 17
*creepy carni music*
Leslie Vincent at 8:30pm June 17
Ill be home at the beginning of august...lets do
*arms fly in the air...people are flys everywhere..but best of all we look like sexy retards*
I miss you all..
Leslie Vincent at 8:32pm June 17
And Zanzy...werent you and I actually dancing WHILE he took the first picture?
Oh and that was the night you dealt me my E on the dance floor...
HAHAHA good times..
Sara Nadine Scott at 8:33pm June 17
LESLIE! You're gonna be home for my birthday?!?!?!??!?!?! SEXY SLEEPOVER IS IN ORDER!
Leslie Vincent at 8:33pm June 17
thats my plan lover ;)
Sara Nadine Scott at 8:34pm June 17
I was listening to Work It today, and Steven was like "This is a dirty song"
So I sang it louder, and car danced in the living room. Luckily I wasn't late for dinner though ;)
Then I took it a bit farther...
Leslie Vincent Is it worth it?
Let me work it...
I put my thang down...flip it, and then reverse it
*elephant noises*
*roots reference*
Love it!
Sara Nadine Scott at 8:37pm June 17
hahahahaa. Don't forget about getting your hair up did.
Leslie Vincent at 8:41pm June 17
I need a glass of wataa
Sara Nadine Scott at 8:41pm June 17
Call me before you come I need to SAY WHAAAAAAAT?!
Leslie Vincent at 8:42pm June 17
picture little kim dating a pastaaaa
Sara Nadine Scott at 8:43pm June 17
Sex me so good I say Blah blah blah
Leslie Vincent at 8:44pm June 17
Big red, minute men can out last yaa..
Sara Nadine Scott at 8:44pm June 17
Gimme some some, some of this in a bun!
p.s. We have this song all whack.
Leslie Vincent at 8:45pm June 17
wiggity wack?
Sara Nadine Scott at 8:46pm June 17
No, just regular kind.
Leslie Vincent at 8:49pm June 17
we = the best, best friends...ever..
Sara Nadine Scott at 8:49pm June 17
Why you act dumb like ughhh, duh? So you act dumb like ughhh, duh.
Leslie Vincent at 8:51pm June 17
If ya gotta big =O
Let me search it, find out how hard I gotta work it..
Sara Nadine Scott at 8:52pm June 17
I'm not a prostitute but I can give you whatchu want .
Leslie Vincent at 8:53pm June 17
oh yesa massah
Sara Nadine Scott at 8:57pm June 17
Boys, boys, all type of boys... Black, white, Puerto Rican, Chinese boys!
...Its really an anicdote for douchebaggary ;)
Unfourtunately I have to go back tomorrow for more torture...hopefully there will still be people to cheer me up..*sigh*
How dare we be so immature?????
Its am art form we learned from being screwed so many times darling..."Just take it with a dose of laughter.."
It makes us better people...
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