wooooowwwwwwwwwwwwww…… so really sorry that i haven't been updating as i go this week… but its been difficult as I'm out DOING rather than WRITING for a change. haha. The good news is that because I constantly have to take pictures for class… I have LOTS!!
For those of you who don't know.. this study abroad trip is being led by 3 Adults. My two Professors Eugene and Galilean, and our “RA” of sorts Meg. And this whole first week, we have been in London, staying at a place called “Highbury Centre.” Also, everything that I say that we’ve “gone” to do, involves at least 2 metro rides and a bus, and then at least 2 hours of walking around. (on average)
This week has been filled with more art that I could have every imagined (which probably isn't a good sign as its only the first week. But my week kinda looked like this.
Saturday – Arrive, Dinner Meeting, Go out, Sleep at 1230.
Sunday – Breakfast, Church, Lunch, Eugene’s idea of “the hip part of town” Get Lost on the way back and make up “The motorcycle scale” Get back, Go out again, Get asked about band, Accidently tell everyone that if you’re a clarinet it means you’re a slut (which is now a running joke…like forever). Sleep at 1am.
Monday – Breakfast, Lit Class, Art history, Go to the British museum… get lost on the way there because of Eugene's directions, take 91275480175 pictures, of all the pieces of the Parthenon that are there called “Eldens Marbles.” Dinner, quick updates, Go out to a local pub to draw with Meg and Jeff. Be too happy to fall asleep and finally fall asleep at 3
Tuesday – Breakfast, Lit Class, Art History, Accidently Fall asleep and end up going to the National Gallery alone, because everyone already left, Go to the National Gallery, do about 15 reviews on different paintings through out the museum, see a bunch of British high school students, yell “Hey Harry” at the groups to see who looks, be very disturbed by Cupid (arts kinda creepy) leave at closing around 5. Eat Dinner. Eat traditional English Tea (Clotted Cream and Scones…delish) Go out. Get back at 1230. Fall asleep at 1am. I wasn’t allowed to take pictures in the National Gallery, so no pictures on here :/
Wednesday – Breakfast, (try desperately not to fall asleep during…) Lit class, and Art History, Go find the Pub where Shakespeare wrote most of his sonnets, go on a crazy photography adventure, See the Cathedral where Shakespeare went to church, See the Millennium Bridge (or the “harry potter bridge” if you are anyone but me) Take Group Pictures, Go to the Tate Museum of Modern Art, See all of the Picassos I've ever studied, and an entire Warhol Room, and enough impressionism to give me a huge headache. RUN back to High burry, change, Dinner, Learn that I've always said “EXpresso” rather than “Espresso”, Off to Les Miserable's (Which made me cry extremely hard… which was kinda stupid.) because it was so amazing, Find a very “talked about” Club, and end up not getting home until 2 am, then do my homework and shower. Finally fall asleep at 4am.
Today. BE IN A COMA ALL DAY CAUSE I HAVENT GOTTEN ANY SLEEP. Eat dinner. and sleep. At least that's the plan.
^^ End of Grumpy Synopsis.
Ok, so I saved that as a draft about 12 hours ago. I went and ate dinner, came back to my room and slept until about 2 hours ago. Much needed. Trust me.
What we ACTUALLY did on Thursday was have class and a very large discussion about the period between the Renaissance and The modern era, and about Les Mis. Then we went back into downtown London to see St. Paul's Cathedral and The Wallace Collection. (Which is a house full of all the random art that a rich guy liked.) hahaha
You should understand, that I really do know a lot more than I did about Art and everything that we are looking at. But I spend about 4 hours a day filling out work sheets about the detail, line quality, color choices, perspective, and time period of each work, and then end up writing tons about its “Museology” or in other words the way that the painting is shown in each museum. Its taxing, and kind of wipes my brain of anything intelligent to say about the art we are seeing.
So, as far as emotion wise, (which is usually what this blog is intended for) I think I’m going to vent it out a bit.
This experience has truly been amazing. I’m seeing things that I never thought I would get a chance to see, and doing more in one day than I thought possible.
Its also exhausting and challenging in every possible way. I've been getting to know new people which is awesome, but at the same time its tiring to try to figure out where I fit in here. I’m not an art major, I haven't spent entire semesters working on papers about Jackson Pollock’s art and waited years to see it in person. I am the girl who cries during Les Miserable's because of the chord progression, and Fantine’s heartbreaking lyrics. (This isn't what I saw, but its the same song. :)
Its neat that I'm different, but it gets tiring feeling like I'm wearing skin that isn't mine. I come from a different state, different church, different music, different clicks, and none of the same friends. I never really thought it would matter that much, but it seems to somedays. Oh well. I'm sure I’ll figure it out.. it hasn't even been a week yet. :)
Until then I'm the “Funny Girl” it seems. I think its just cause I let people pick on me, and they aren't used to it. It seems like I'm constantly saying something off and they make fun of it for a long time. Whether it be about clarinets, or about observations I make, or quoting movies.
I'm ok with that for now I guess.
-- Anyway.. its now 733am here, and breakfast is soonish. And because I fell asleep so early, I have NO idea what we are doing today. But I'm sure you will see far to many pictures of whatever it is. I love you all, and I'm thankful that you are there checking in on me, and I’ll talk to you all as soon as I can.