For some reason, everyone seemed to think it was pretty hillarious.. and spawned a massive amount of follow up pictures..
all with the pose.. TREE HOLEEE.

Museums museums museums… Some Yoga.. a little painting.. MORE MUSEUMS!
That’s pretty much what this week was. I’ve talked about everything on this blog recently eXcept, what we have been doing in class.. So i will cover that tonight. :)
Yesterday we went to the Museum D’Orsay, which honestly was one of the coolest museums we’ve been to yet. It was full of the impressionism era paintings of Monet, Manet, Pissaro, Gaughan, and VAN GOGH! *Excited Squeal*
We meet again.. my friend.
It was seriously amazing.
Then I had lots of photography assignments due.
This was everyone’s favorite.
But I liked this one too.
Then There was a Pastry Project Due while i was gone, so I had like one day to finish it…. This is what I got.
Notice it depletes as the day goes on?
Ugh.. I don’t really like these..
Oh well..
Lets celebrate with some music? Yes please.
Or back to just crying when I wake up and before I got to sleep… I’m seriously confused as to why so much crap all happens at once…
I tell new people about my life sometimes.. and they just stare at me like I made the whole thing up…
But seriously.. Why? cant I just be left alone for a little while.. All I want is something stable.. something real, and maybe some sincerity..
And a song for you. Cant get it out of my head.. thanks Sara.
I did a sick, sick thing to my love.
My lack of loyalty, it swallowed her up.
And she cooked me food.
She squirmed and turned like a skeleton key.
She left her man and attended to me.
And don't call me that.
Don't claim you love me,
Cause you know that ain't true.
My dire affliction I'll attribute to you.
And you're finally free
To twist and turn like a skeleton key.
You've gotta let me know.
You've gotta let me know.
I did a horrible thing to that girl.
I bred my misery and drowned it in her.
And she got me high,
And I hardly noticed there were tears in her eyes.
And I miss you less and less everyday.
And it's true the whiskey's helped to wash you away.
And it's clear to see,
You're nothing special.
You're a skeleton key.
You've gotta let me know.
You've gotta let me know.
You've gotta let me know.
You've gotta let me know
Pictures of Paris So far..
(If you wish to listen to what I typed this too. Click here. :)
So my first day in Paris wasn't the best with being sick and all, but I will use it to close the London chapter. :)
So we went to MORE museums at the end of the week. And the last two were my favorite. We went to the Tate Britain (different than the Tate modern.) And we got to see just a MASSIVE amount of art work, but it was pretty amazing, I went through the whole museum and looked for ones that I liked the best, and of the paintings I made note of “The wood Nymphs hymn to the rising sun,
and the deluge.
And they both are by Francis Danby. I loved his used of light, and its impossible to see here, but the detail he uses on the faces is incredible.
The next day we went to The Sacchi museum, which is all very contemporary art. And seriously this is the first museum that I cried at. I was so overwhelmed. First there was a piece called “Rupee”
And this was about 6 feet tall. Then next to it was a 3 paneled hologram of 2 different news paper articles. One was about a 12 year old girl who committed suicide in India when she found out that she could not afford 1 rupee for lunch at school. (The equivalent of 2 American pennies.) Then from the other side, the hologram changed and you could see another newspaper article about the lowering prices of long distance calls in India to 1 Rupee per call. Then once you finished reading it was like this giant rupee was just looming over you… a symbol of death and commerce.
I managed to hold it together though, until we went upstairs to a memorial for the American servicemen and women of the Iraq war.
This lady in San Francisco documented every single fatality of the Iraq war by sketching each one of them on a small piece of paper that reflects their skin color, and writing a sentence about each one.
This started as a small project, and she would categorize them and put them in a large map of the united states in the state that they lived in. But its been 8 years now. And as the totals have massed she had to re-organize them chronologically… it took be 4 frames to capture it.
I had to put my sunglasses on because I couldn’t stop crying…
As i write this I’m completely amazed that I’ve lived during 9 years of war. I cant think about it again to be honest…
*If a star were confined into a tomb, her captive flames must needs burn there. But when the hand that locked her up gives room, she’ll shine through all the sphere"* – They are all gone into a world of light – Henry Vaughn
So I got to add poetry onto my schedule this semester to make a full 17 credits. I’m really happy, and the class is amazing, Its so nice to discuss literature and poetry again, and everyone has amazing ideas and thoughts. It really helps me contrast the constant flow of art that I'm trying desperately to understand.
Between that and Photography, homework is pretty much always fun :)
Last Weeks Photo Hw.
Meh. They aren't that good. But we’ll see how my evaluation goes. Eek.
Well anyway, I'm definitely surviving. And I made it to Paris alive…. even if I did drag my suitcase until its wheel melted off… and then i burnt myself on the the wheel trying to fix it… (sadface) But unfortunately im very sick now, and i missed almost my whole day of classes today… it was very sad, and pretty dang overwhelming.. EXCEPT. That once I talked to my professor I went back to my room to lay down, i had JUST fallen asleep when the cleaning lady came in to our room.
Sierra my roommate was like “Oh.. umm. no no.. its ok.. my friend… she's asleep”
French Cleaning lady – “ no, no tout nettoyer”
Sierra “Oui, merci merci… but umm… no merci.. she is sick”
*Now the French cleaning lady precedes to come over to my bed hit my pillow and go* “ALLOOOOO ALLOOOOO, I CLEAN, I CLEAN”
Sierra - “No please she's sick.. ahhhh MERCI, JES DORMIR!!! “
French cleaning lady to me- “Dormir?? Ju Dormir???” Oui Oui.. I clean later?? you Dormir??”
Me - *waves frustratedly and keeps sluggishly repeating* “Oui, Oui…”
The whole thing was a little hilarious/ridiculous.
BUT hot chocolate (which here is kinda purple) pretty much fixes everything. :)
Ok.. Im going to sleep so I can MAKE IT to class tomorrow. Yikes.
Amour et Beinfait
Leslie Ann :)