Monday, February 22, 2010

11 Elephants on Parade.

My Birthday in Paris was pretty much completely bomb. :)

I went to breakfast at 830, and Meg and Galean had a whole birthday party for me, complete with Rupert the crochet'd teddy bear, Galean waving around a birthday banner, and a sparkler stuck in a chocolate croissant!
Then I got to go sleep in, and the KR3W (- Drew who was in Switzerland, but brought me back chocolate today) went to St. Micheal for the day. We went to Shakespeares bookstore and hung out there for a few hours ( I wish it would have been days.. love it there) then we went down by the Siene and took tons of pictures/waved like Asains at boats that went by, wittnessed a man pee'ing on the wall, and then watched Jeff climb the wall later.
We came back to my room, and watched Nine, because I downloaded it when I was home, and Jeff wanted to watch it so bad he was about to pee himself... and then we went out to my birthday dinner.
We found a place that had 3 course meals for like 3 Euros, and we just walked in, and they gave us our very own room. We all ate, and everyone told there favorite things about me, which included my Tree Hole Pose, my bra, my sense of humor, my Random Outbursts in Spanish, my bathrobe, my helpful advice/personality (I dont know that thats so much me, as it is my major) and my ability to be dancing with someone at a club before everyone is even down the stairs. (Thank you for that Lauren.)

It was a completely hillarious night, and then My roomie gave me beautiful flowers, and they gave me a card with 11 elephants in it :) Everyone drew there very own.

It was an awesome night... oh and I had 2 crepes through out the day... and got to say "MON ANNIVERSARE!" like a million times.. and it had 0 effect. hahaha

Well Im 20 now?
I have no idea what this means.. but this CD sara gave me is COMPLETELY BOMB!

Im exsausted and had a bloody noise/migraine/nausea combo all night / jetlag/ trying really hard to be happy for my whole birthday, even though I was missing papa like crazy, and just wanted to cry a little :(
Anyway, all of that made trying to draw a naked guy completely out of triangles a little frusterating and infuriating today..
So I think Im going to do my poetry project and pass out of exsaustion now.. thats pretty much all of the updates that I have.

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