Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Soaking it in.


I am alive with about a 180 turn in my attitude.

Im doing amazingly, but i dont really feel much like being in my room documenting.

So Im headed to soak it in. I love you guys.

(P.S I saw Jennifer Connelly & Paul Bettney (who are married apparently) yesterday at an art gallery. Yeah.. no big.)


haha. Oh Venice.. you kick some serious Paris butt.


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

There was another time in my life...

I was more honest.
More alive.
In more pain..
But beautiful...

Thats it.

I dont think i can live with this anymore, and I have no idea what to do about it.

Spent 5 hours of my day, alone and crying.
I didnt want company.. I just wanted to be alone.

and yet. I get to the end of my day, end up destructive, and cant sleep.

Yeah thats the best combo.
I dont even know anymore.

I just wanted to help.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

“By George, I think she’s got it!”



Last painting class today, followed by the reception for our art show.

I think I may be considered an Artist now. Crazy...


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Do you love my…. shoes?






Throw up those shockas ;)

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****Live through this, and you wont look back. *****

I keep listening to these over and over. :)

Thanks Liz!


“Try as he might he's unable to speak
He grabs her by the hair, he strokes her on the cheek
The bed is unmade like everything is
Dark little heaven at the top of the stairs
Take me like that, ruin it all
Then build it again by the light in the hall
He drops to his knees says please my love, please
I'll kill who you hate, take off that dress, you won't freeze
One more night, that was a good one
One more night, i dreamed it was a good one
One more, one more night, that was a good one
One more night, the end should be a good one
A good one
He starts with her back cause that's what he sees
When she's breaking his heart she still **** like a tease
Release to the sky, look him straight in the eye
And tell him that now, that you wish he would die
You'll never touch him again so get what you can
Leaving him empty just because he's a man
So good when it ends, they'll never be friends

One more night, that's all they can spend
One more night, that was a good one
One more night, i dreamed it was a good one
One more, one more night, that was a good one
One more night, the end should be a good one
A good one”

“God that was strange to see you again
Introduced by a friend of a friend
Smiled and said 'yes I think we've met before'
In that instant it started to pour,
Captured a taxi despite all the rain
We drove in silence across Pont Champlain
And all of the time you thought I was sad
I was trying to remember your name...
This scar is a fleck on my porcelain skin
Tried to reach deep but you couldn't get in
Now you're outside me
You see all the beauty
Repent all your sin
It's nothing but time and a face that you lose
I chose to feel it and you couldn't choose
I'll write you a postcard
I'll send you the news
From a house down the road from real love...
Live through this, and you won't look back...
Live through this, and you won't look back...
Live through this, and you won't look back...
There's one thing I want to say, so I'll be brave
You were what I wanted
I gave what I gave
I'm not sorry I met you
I'm not sorry it's over
I'm not sorry there's nothing to save
I'm not sorry there's nothing to save...”

Monday, March 22, 2010

Im probably behind.

But this is one of the coolest things ever.

I've ALWAYS wanted to build one of these. :D

*Stars*<3Hearts<3 and Minds.

“You think you’re so bad, but you’re just badly raised. You twisted and turned all the love that we made.”

A link to another Euro-termers blog, his Versailles post, along with mine :D

Here’s an update.

VERSILLES WAS AMAZING! I want to go back, like 8 more times.. but alas, we only have a week.


Diva Pic. Taken completely at the cameras will.. Im not really sure when this happened. lol.


Riding a bike… almost crashed for this picture.

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People watching pays off… :)

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My moving watching weekend led me back to ESOTSM.

I forgot how much I love this movie.


Sunday, March 21, 2010

Paramedics, Pardons, and Photo Shows.

I had a pretty ridiculously awful weekend. Aside from getting to wander around in the rain downtown by myself for 3 hours, I also spilled water in my purse and nearly destroyed my camera and Zune (still waiting to see if it wakes up.)
Then on my way home to dry them out, I was harassed by 6 guys on the metro, and I was by myself, needless to say I made it home. But it was less then fun.

Then I went to bed and was pretty much as sick as it gets. Woke up in the morning, went into the bathroom, and that's the last thing i really remember until Kristina Liz and Evan found me on the floor in the bathroom about an hour later. Apparently it was just low blood pressure or something, I knew I was ok. But no one else really did, and they called the paramedics...
Yeah Paramedics speaking French. It was a blast.

Yeah, so I haven't really been much of anywhere the last few days. However (trying to make the best of this weekend) Here is a list of the good things that have happened.

1st. I have been making my own... gifts(?) to send to people.
2nd. I made it to the post office to send them without getting lost.

3rd.  The Daffodils that Meg and Kristina brought me yesterday while I was sick :D (The each brought me a bunch separately)
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"The Substance of Memory: American Drawings & Photos in Paris, 2010
Memory is the material of our identity. Whether collective or individual, memories constitute who we are and who we hope to become. Moreover, memory is always significantly linked to specific places and times, to locations and moments when lives intersect.
In this sense, art has a unique interest in ‘the substance of memory.’ As Rowan Williams writes, the artist always “is responding to some formal life or activity sensed and answered in the appearances she encounters; and it is a formal life or activity constantly on the edge of abandoning its phenomenal shape so as to be reshaped in another medium.”
This exhibition attempts to give diverse material expression – in drawing, collage and photography - to this ‘formal life’ of memory, as experienced by a group of art students from Point Loma Nazarene University in California who lived in Paris for 2 months, many of who had not previously traveled in Europe.
Please enjoy ‘the substance of memory,’ and incorporate these images of the materially mediated past into your own experience of Paris in the present."


So yeah.. all of our art work is on display in a gallery for the week :D



The walls :D


My Piece :)


Kristinas Drawings.. (these are my favorite)


Megs watercolors.



Its pretty exciting, we have a reception for it on Tuesday. Its will be a nice thing to have on a resume someday. “International art show”…. hmm

not so bad :)

Went shopping for a little while.. found an awesome store. And Mika :)

How fitting.

I’m going back to sleep.

<3 You all.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Proving that I AM in fact doing work here.

Here is my Paper on "Paradise Lost"

Pictures from Versailles will be up tomorrow i promise, but i'm about to pass out from exhaustion.

Mid-Term Essay - Paradise Lost
In John Milton’s Paradise Lost, two main character arcs are followed, that of Adam and Eve, and that of “Th’ infernal Serpent,” (I 34) Satan. Both successful creations, who were given everything imaginable, and yet the story follows them into their demise. This begs the question “How?” Milton, by starting his book with “Of Mans First Disobedience” (I 1) tells us that it was their own choices that caused the fall. It was their “free will” that brought about the consequences that all of the characters endured. According to Milton; Satan, Adam, and Eve, all played personal roles in losing their paradise.
Lucifer, the arch angel, leader of legions, is the most powerful being next to God himself. He was beautiful, awe inspiring, more glorious than any human being would ever be. Yet, “he it was, whose guile stird up with Envy and Revenge, deceiv’d the Mother of Mankind.” (I 34-35) Lucifer’s pride brought him down. He plotted, schemed and manipulated the legions of God to believe that there was more to be had. He was second best. This was not enough. And so evil enters the story. God casts Satan and his armies into the pits of Hell. “Him with the Almighty Power, Hurld headlong flaming from th’ Ethereal Skie with hideous ruine and combustion, down to bottomless perdition, there to dwell.”(I 44- 47) Banished, but not destroyed, he waits for his opportunity. He waits and decides that it is better to “Reign in Hell, then serve in Heav’n” (I 263) for “Here at least we shall be free” (I 258-259) Here we see that Satan chooses this life. He actively searches out ways in which to spite God for this punishment. He develops a hatred for who created him. And unable to overthrown the almighty one, he instead waits to punish those who bear his image. Satan wallows in his defeat, lets his pride take over, and thus throws away all of the gifts that God gave him. Milton paints heavily in the first book the nature of Lucifer’s character, showing how human he really is, his foibles and how easily his hunger for power turns him away from God.
Enter Adam and Eve. They are shown through the eyes of Satan, who witnesses them in a small argument over whether or not to separate in order to get more done. Eve proposes that they are not getting enough accomplished, as they are constantly distracted by each other. “In yonder Spring of Roses Intermixt /with Myrtle, find what to redress till Noon/ For while so near each other thus all day/ our taske we choose, what wonder if so near/ looks intervene and smiles, or object new casual discourse draw on/ which intermits our dayes work brought to little, though begun early/ and th’ hour of Supper comes unearn’d” (IX 218-225) Adam replies that it would be too dangerous for her to leave his sight, as they are more easily approached by Satan (who Michael has warned them about in an earlier book) when they are alone. “Not diffident of thee do I dissuade/Thy absence from thy sight, but to avoid/Th’ attempt itself, intended by our Foe” (IX 293-295) Eve protests more, but then Adam interjects with this thought again. He is speaking of God’s perfect creation and how the best things are “God ordained”(IX 343) But that “within’ himself/ the danger lies, yet lies within his power/ Against his will he can receive no harme./ But God left free the Will, for what obeyes/Reason, is free, and Reason he made right”(IX 348-352) Here in Adams speech to Eve, Milton is making one of his largest points. Adam is saying that God left his creation to choose as it will. That God could intercede, that he has all the power and that nothing can happen against his will. But he doesn’t. Why though? This is a very powerful point, and one that has caused much speculation, because this seems to say that God lets the bad things of this world happen. That he could stop them with a small motion of his hand but he does not, portraying a very cruel ruler. So, why? Well, it seems Milton answers this through the conclusion of Adams point. In the end of the discussion he concedes and says to Eve, “Go; for thy stay, not free absents thee more.”(IX 372) And Eve readily accepts “Thus saying, from her Husbands hand her hand/ Soft she withdrew” (IX 385-386)
Just like that, Eve is off on her own, susceptible to all that awaits her. Is Milton painting a picture of what free will is like to God? Adam warns her, pleads with her to stay with him, under his protection. But in the end he tells her to go if that is her will. Why? Because it is worse for her to stay if she doesn’t want to, Love is chosen. And just as Adam let Eve leave, so God let all three of them leave, according to their own choosing. Eve gives in to Satan’s claims that, “so much more knowledge, power, and understanding awaited her if she were to eat the fruit”. And Adam gives in to the same temptation from Eve. Adam and Eve reached for the fruit, Satan reached for ultimate power, they all reach for more, just as human kind does every day, and in their reaching, they fell from Grace. When Satan reached, he and his legions fell into hell. “To bottomless perdition, there to dwell/ in Adamantine Chains and Penal Fire” (I 47-38) When Eve reached, the garland of innocent love and adoration that Adam had woven for his beloved “Drown drop’d and all the faded roses shed”(893) and when Adam reached, the sky fell. “Earth trembl’d from her entrails, as again/In panges, and Nature gave a second groan, Skie lowr’d, and muttering Thunder, som sad drops/ Wept at compleating of the mortal sin.” (IX 1000-1003) And with each, “The Lord was grieved that he had made man on the earth, and his heart was filled with pain” (Genesis 6:5-6)
Milton uses the stories of the dissention of the Arch Angel Lucifer, and the Fall of Man, to depict a sub-story about free will, and how it applies to humanity. The concept of free will verses pre-destination has been one that has been heavily discussed in the church for centuries. In Paradise Lost, Milton makes his stand clear. God had full reign, right, and power, according to Milton. However, in order to prove his love for man-kind, he gives them the choice to accept the “Eden” he offers. Sadly, none of the characters in Milton’s story choose what they are offered. Instead, Satan finds freedom in Hell, freedom to reign, and peace in destroying others. Adam and Eve find each other, through lust and power and eventually their own vulnerability. Lucifer, Adam, and Eve all delight, momentarily, in the new level of freedom they have found. They have the greater knowledge than they ever could have imagined, however, they also discovered their own weaknesses. Satan begins to realize that there is no way he can get back into heaven without losing his pride. Adam and Eve see that they have lost the love that bonded them, and the peace with which they once lived. They blame each other. Everywhere there is discord. “This is mutual accusation spent/ the fruitless hours, but neither self-condemning./ And of thir vain contest appeer’d no end.” (IX 1187-1189) As Milton eludes here, there was no end to the discord. It continues on through the generations, all suffering for the Paradise that was lost due to the rejection of what God offered. “Soon found thir Eyes how op’nd, and thir minds/How dark’nd innocence, that as a veile/ had shadowed them from knowing ill, was gon/…They destitute and bare/ Of all thir virtue: silent, and in face/ Confounded long they sate, as struck’n mute.”(IX 1053-1056, 1062-1064) After the fall, the days of trying to restore piece by piece what is lost forever, begin. Choosing love daily in order to taste a piece of heaven and Eden that was lost to the generations. Struggling to regain Paradise.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Science Nerdism Rules!

Hello :D Welcome to my blog.

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It was a seriously goofy morning. I love my roomie :D


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Liz and Stu – Ala my perception..

Im proud of these. :D




Basically I was sick of nude models, contour drawings, and painty hands. So I spent 3 days in various Science Museums!!!

Sunday: Liz and I went to the Evolution Museum, and saw lots and lots of taxidermy’d animals.

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Monday: we went to the natural history museum. And saw lots of creepy skeletons, canned embryo’s, and A BRONTISAURUS! (Those were always my favorite. :D

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Creepy little guys… 


Kids, let this be a lesson for you. Fish are NOT to be trusted.

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Cyclops Kitty, Two headed Rabbit.. man the french have everything…

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A “chimps ear”



yeah.. it was a little grosss…


Hello, this is a blue whales skeleton. HOLY CRAP!

Oh and it took me 3 days to remember what the krill catching stuff inside of their mouth is called. Yes, you can stop yelling at me now, its Baleen I got it.



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My favorite Part!

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ITS LITTLE FOOT! (and little foot!) I liked them before you named me that, Daddy.

And over the course of the 2, I overcame my fear of hippos.

See, live scary one.




And then today we went to the Catacombs. Which was a FANTASTIC idea.. until I realized that I was stuck 2 miles under the earth in a space the size of a refrigerator box surrounded by hundreds of thousands of dead bodies. Claustrophobia rules. Seriously, it was cool, it just would have been cooler if I was breathing at a normal rate. 



Tree hole!


Dead guys… lots and lots of dead guys.


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WOAH! we got a live one here….