Friday, January 29, 2010

Falling Asleep as I type.

wooooowwwwwwwwwwwwww…… so really sorry that i haven't been updating as i go this week… but its been difficult as I'm out DOING rather than WRITING for a change. haha. The good news is that because I constantly have to take pictures for class… I have LOTS!!

For those of you who don't know.. this study abroad trip is being led by 3 Adults. My two Professors Eugene and Galilean, and our “RA” of sorts Meg. And this whole first week, we have been in London, staying at a place called “Highbury Centre.” Also, everything that I say that we’ve “gone” to do, involves at least 2 metro rides and a bus, and then at least 2 hours of walking around. (on average)

This week has been filled with more art that I could have every imagined (which probably isn't a good sign as its only the first week. But my week kinda looked like this.

Saturday – Arrive, Dinner Meeting, Go out, Sleep at 1230.

Sunday – Breakfast, Church, Lunch, Eugene’s idea of “the hip part of town” Get Lost on the way back and make up “The motorcycle scale” Get back, Go out again, Get asked about band, Accidently tell everyone that if you’re a clarinet it means you’re a slut (which is now a running joke…like forever). Sleep at 1am. 

Monday – Breakfast, Lit Class, Art history, Go to the British museum… get lost on the way there because of Eugene's directions, take 91275480175 pictures, of all the pieces of the Parthenon that are there called “Eldens Marbles.” Dinner, quick updates, Go out to a local pub to draw with Meg and Jeff. Be too happy to fall asleep and finally fall asleep at 3

Tuesday – Breakfast, Lit Class, Art History, Accidently Fall asleep and end up going to the National Gallery alone, because everyone already left, Go to the National Gallery,  do about 15 reviews on different paintings through out the museum, see a bunch of British high school students, yell “Hey Harry” at the groups to see who looks, be very disturbed by Cupid (arts kinda creepy) leave at closing around 5. Eat Dinner. Eat traditional English Tea (Clotted Cream and Scones…delish) Go out. Get back at 1230. Fall asleep at 1am. I wasn’t allowed to take pictures in the National Gallery, so no pictures on here :/

Wednesday – Breakfast, (try desperately not to fall asleep during…) Lit class, and Art History, Go find the Pub where Shakespeare wrote most of his sonnets, go on a crazy photography adventure, See the Cathedral where Shakespeare went to church, See the Millennium Bridge (or the “harry potter bridge” if you are anyone but me) Take Group Pictures, Go to the Tate Museum of Modern Art, See all of the Picassos I've ever studied, and an entire Warhol Room, and enough impressionism to give me a huge headache. RUN back to High burry, change, Dinner, Learn that I've always said “EXpresso” rather than “Espresso”,  Off to Les Miserable's (Which made me cry extremely hard… which was kinda stupid.) because it was so amazing,  Find a very “talked about” Club, and end up not getting home until 2 am, then do my homework and shower. Finally fall asleep at 4am.

Today. BE IN A COMA ALL DAY CAUSE I HAVENT GOTTEN ANY SLEEP. Eat dinner. and sleep. At least that's the plan.


^^ End of Grumpy Synopsis.

Ok, so I saved that as a draft about 12 hours ago. I went and ate dinner, came back to my room and slept until about 2 hours ago. Much needed. Trust me.

What we ACTUALLY did on Thursday was have class and a very large discussion about the period between the Renaissance and The modern era, and about Les Mis. Then we went back into downtown London to see St. Paul's Cathedral and The Wallace Collection. (Which is a house full of all the random art that a rich guy liked.) hahaha

You should understand, that I really do know a lot more than I did about Art and everything that we are looking at. But I spend about 4 hours a day filling out work sheets about the detail, line quality, color choices, perspective, and time period of each work, and then end up writing tons about its “Museology” or in other words the way that the painting is shown in each museum. Its taxing, and kind of wipes my brain of anything intelligent to say about the art we are seeing.

So, as far as emotion wise, (which is usually what this blog is intended for) I think I’m going to vent it out a bit.

This experience has truly been amazing. I’m seeing things that I never thought I would get a chance to see, and doing more in one day than I thought possible.

Its also exhausting and challenging in every possible way. I've been getting to know new people which is awesome, but at the same time its tiring to try to figure out where I fit in here. I’m not an art major, I haven't spent entire semesters working on papers about Jackson Pollock’s art and waited years to see it in person. I am the girl who cries during Les Miserable's because of the chord progression, and Fantine’s heartbreaking lyrics.  (This isn't what I saw, but its the same song. :)

Its neat that I'm different, but it gets tiring feeling like I'm wearing skin that isn't mine. I come from a different state, different church, different music, different clicks, and none of the same friends. I never really thought it would matter that much, but it seems to somedays. Oh well. I'm sure I’ll figure it out.. it hasn't even been a week yet. :)

Until then I'm the “Funny Girl” it seems. I think its just cause I let people pick on me, and they aren't used to it. It seems like I'm constantly saying something off and they make fun of it for a long time. Whether it be about clarinets, or about observations I make, or quoting movies.

I'm ok with that for now I guess.

-- Anyway.. its now 733am here, and breakfast is soonish. And because I fell asleep so early, I have NO idea what we are doing today. But I'm sure you will see far to many pictures of whatever it is. I love you all, and I'm thankful that you are there checking in on me, and I’ll talk to you all as soon as I can.

Monday, January 25, 2010

The “Motorcycle Scale”

If not for anything other than myself, I need to chronicle the “Motorcycle scale”

So yesterday we were kind of lost, and had a while to walk… so we I just asked an icebreaker question…

I asked if it would be worse to get hit by a train, a tow truck (but i couldn’t think of the word tow… so I said “crane truck”)  or a motorcycle... we decided that motorcycle is the worst cause you wouldn’t die. It would just mangle you and hurt like none other. We figured train and crane truck were about equal but then someone offered up that they were once on a train when “It ran some chick over…” then he walked away….  I was like… “ummm… wait.. DREW! what the heck?” and he was like ‘no it was fine… she was laying down… she just got scratched” So Evan and I are DYING laughing about the fact that “scratches must include missing feet and being scalped.. until Drew clarified that she was laying vertically INSIDE the track. 
So now.. the train is lower than crane truck cause if you lay facedown and vertical you might still be able to survive (or you could lay on your back.. but you’d have to do a chin tuck to make sure you don’t lose your nose or your forehead.) .. And in order to survive a crane truck.. you would have to include a ninja type slide… which would be difficult.. and totally changes the dynamics of the game…

Megan added in later that unicycle is probably the lowest cause it would just be like “DUDE WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM!!! You should NOT be allowed to have that thing if you are going to ATTACK PEOPLE!" “Get control of your wheel!”

but seriously.. now I'm terrified of getting hit by a motorcycle.

We laughed so hard that we almost got even more lost than we were… but it was totally worth it :)

So now when something is wrong... we have to put it on a scale between two vehicles. :D

Sunday, January 24, 2010

You sound like your frum Londun!

Ohhhh goodness gracious. It has been an INCREDABLE and exhausting 24 hours :D

Got in about 4 hours late, and had everyone here completely freaked out and worried about me. Libby waited for me at the airport however, so I had a travel buddy for the ride across town. I pretty much hated life for that first hour after landing.. it was really long, and I was so tired. But then we got into the cab.


My Ticket and The Underground line :)


Oh my goodness.. all the way there we were just so amazed at how ancient the buildings are. The cab explained to us the difference between buildings built during Queen Anne, and King George… and when we finally made it to the place we are staying. We walked in to the middle of the “welcome here” meeting. Kristina had talked to me before hand, so when I saw her she was like… “LESSLIEEEE PLEASE HAVE STORY TIME”. And I was like “No.. its not that good. And Eugene has stuff to talk about :)” But then EVERYONE was like “no seriously.. this sounds funny…” hahaha.  So no joke I spent 10 minutes explaining how my plane broke down, and how the airline gave a bag of alcohol for no apparent reason (So now they keep calling me alch-y, even though it was in no way my fault.) I like how these people still think im amusing (I wonder how long that will last. lol) During the meeting someone also said “when in Rome” and I went “no no.. that doesn’t really apply” and no one knew what I was talking about (hahaha Sara)

Anyway, we went out for a birthday/first night in Europe party last night.. which basically consisted of us all sitting on a couch in a cafe and half falling asleep. But it was good to get out and get to know each other a little. Then I took a real bath. In a real “bath room” cause thats how it works here, haha. It was a very good and eventful first night however. We had a terrific time and I was able to get some good sleep.


K. So I went to go to sleep last night when I realized I had to be up at 830 and didn’t have any sort of alarm clock. I SOME how managed to wake myself up at 815… super impressed with myself… But then we went to church at Westminster Abby, which is the main church of the Anglican Church of England. It was amazing… I couldn’t take any pictures inside but I have some of the outside. I was there first as a worshipper and second as an artist. There was so much to take it, it was a sung Eucharist service with full choir. And the Hummel  was about the body of Christ and all of its parts, and how as a church we cannot exist without any part. I don’t know, it was pretty amazing to be at the center of the church of England, when I’m struggling so much to decide what I think about the politics of religion.

The Architecture is over a thousand years old… everything is incredible. The stain glass, the stone arches, the engravings in the walls and ceilings and the post modern sculptures. It was amazing. And while Im taking this all in I was thinking “How on earth would they get birds out of here.” – a clue to how tired I am. lol.

Afterwards, we got to look around a little and were able to see the graves of Sir Isaac Newton and Charles Darwin, as they are just a few of the many who are buried there. Also Franklin D Roosevelt is the only American leader with a memorial there. Then we seriously like RAN around the blocks to see Para lament, the Prime Ministers Estate, and Big Ben. I literally took ALL of my pictures while walking cause we were in such a hurry. We will be able to go back though.. we had to make it back though for a meeting.


Libby in the blue lounge of our house.


Check out Eugene and Gallean in the mirror…  Amazing.


Walking to churrchhhh…


Love her…

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This Picture is going to be amazing.. she was precious… just needs a little editing.


He was SOOO thrilled to be awake.

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All Westminster Abby. (Pictures were not allowed inside.)

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We sorta love each other… Her boyfriend doesn’t really mind :D

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The Above – Parliament


Big Ben and the London Eye behind :) 


Well Ello there Benny Boy :)


Phooooonneee Boooooth

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Thee Primee Ministers Estate.

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THEN we went to the “younger” area of London. Thrift stores, cafe's clubs and pubs. We looked around and got some dinner, which tonight was pizza because it was cheap :D By the way… European money is waaaayyyy coooler than ours.. I love pounds :D

And in the middle of all of this, I accidently poked Jeff in the eye. (i was trying to pound his fist… he moved.. I jokingly swatting at him.. I missed. I mean… you know the normal) BUTT..  Andrew and Evan FREAKED out and were like “Omg! Jeff was that your bad eye?” So I start freaking out.. and Jeff goes… “No its ok.. It was my good eye… WHICH SUCKS! Cause the other one was glass! Why didn’t you aim for my left eye!!”

So we are all dying laughing, and OBVEOUSLY this is a joke… so later he is picking on me and I go “Yeah? How’s your glass eye doing…”

Andrew and Evan both look at me weird and were like “well thats a little too far”

So…. Jeff goes into this massive story about how when  he was 3 he had pink eye and grabbed super glue instead of his eye drops. I was seriously like crying for an hour, I felt sooo bad. He was laughing his head off and said he doesn’t remember any of it, and that its fine.

But during all this Evan and Andrew are laughing there heads off.. I mean.. it was funny.. And then later Kristina was laughing at me like “oh come on, don’t listen to them” So basically.. I HAVE NO IDEA WHETHER JEFF HAS TWO REAL EYES OR NOT! Its bugging me…

So we JUST got back, again, from another really long day and I need to take a bath and go to bed. We have class in one of the guys rooms because we are “a classroom without walls” lol. 830 am tomorrow.

Its just Art History, Literature and Poetry until we get to Paris. :D

I've seen and done so much already.. I cant believe it will be like this for 3 months… Im going to need to start drinking more coffee. lol.


Friday, January 22, 2010

And Im off!!

And so the journey begins :D

So far its airports and headaches, so I'll let you know when something interesting happens.

:D :D :D

thanks for folowing me.

Friday, January 15, 2010

What I do with my insomniac time...

Love all of you guys so much... watching our video clips and movies Ive made, and going through pictures, have reminded me just how much I need you all.

Have a Great Day :D

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Love my girls <3

I think this made my night.

Andi, Sara, and Elyse met this weekend to hang out... and apparently wanted me to join their party :D

Andi Zynda hahahah why did these not tag properly

Sara Nadine Scott Cause you're attracted to my bosoms?

Leslie Ann Vincent i am saras bosoms...
Im so excited that have a picture with you 3 beauties...
frick i miss you guys...
come to europe with me... yes?

Sara Nadine Scott I WISH THIS SO BAD!

Andi Zynda NOW YOU'RE TALKING! wanna know why God made me so small? so I could be carry on sized.
Notice how we used the self timer. Fancccyy!!

Sara Nadine Scott And God gave me big boobs so I can seduce airway workers into giving me free tickets. hahahah

Leslie Ann Vincent SARA! YOU STOLE MY PROFILE PICTURE! hahaha.
Andi.. you're like a fun sized candy bar..
and sara.. please sacrifice your reputation for me. :D
Elyse.. you are like the redeeming quality of this group of ours... we will need input from you soon.

Elyse Ledy NICE! I'm liking these comments. Andi - next trip I take, you're my carry on, and FOR SURE Sara is getting me free tickets with her... loveliness and charm. Leslie.. I want to go with you!!!!

Sara Nadine Scott hahahaha. Loveliness and charm, that's a nice way of putting it.

Leslie Ann Vincent Sara you just have so much... loveliness and charm..

I will print out pictures of you guys.. and take them at all the major landmarks I see on my trip. And yes Andi.. you will be in my carry-on. :D
This is going to be the best project ever.

Sara Nadine Scott YOU SO HAVE TO DO IT! AHHHH! I can't wait to go to Ireland! hahahahaha

about an hour ago · Report

Oh the paths we take....

I think I decided tonight, that Id rather live with an open heart... one that cares and forgives and loves and hopes...
Even though its hurts so much more than just not giving a shit.
Life really is easier when you care about no one but yourself... but I tried it.. I cant do it.

So even though everytime I get back up and try to care again, I get called
Pathetic, Selfish, Over-emotional, and a liar...

I dont really think I care.
Being Vulnerable is way more brave than living a lie.
And I'll do it, even if Only once every few years it helps someone. It's who Ive always been... and Im tired of not being me.. :/

I just pray someday, someone will understand my heart, know my intentions.. and maybe even love me for those things.
Your over-emotional author.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

My Plan to fix the state of the world.

Ready for this?

Send Conan to coach at Tennessee.

Then the media can focus on Hati and maybe actually fix something that matters in life.

The End.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

So this one day I had my eyes dialated...

And i didnt know thats what happened.. cause I also got new contacts...
So on my way home, i was freaking out cause i was driving and couldnt see, and all around dying from sun exposure. So I took one contact out at a stop light..(Which obveously didnt help, cause then I just had no long distance sight on top of the dialation)
So Im driving home with my one eye covered and one contact in my mouth, and the other in my right eye, squinting and not trying to die.

So then.. Sara was online.. and I tried to continue a conversation with her that we were having earlier...

ilyinfinityplus0 12:01 pm
ahhhh, hi Les
sorry, I was upstairs
LLBL Vincent 12:43 pm
it ok
did you get my txt
my eyes are dialeted
ilyinfinityplus0 12:43 pm
which one? My dads phone and mine are all screwy today...
LLBL Vincent 12:43 pm
i cant see anything
ilyinfinityplus0 12:44 pm
I only got the one going "Saraaaaaaa"
LLBL Vincent 12:44 pm
oh ahahah
i resend it
oh well
i just wanted to ask where i could find a crack for adobe VD3
ilyinfinityplus0 12:45 pm
LLBL Vincent 12:45 pm
umm i see a ?
ilyinfinityplus0 12:45 pm
LLBL Vincent 12:45 pm
but i dont know what is before it
ilyinfinityplus0 12:45 pm
You put VD
LLBL Vincent 12:45 pm
omg im soo blind
ilyinfinityplus0 12:45 pm
hahaha, your eyes are drunk
LLBL Vincent 12:45 pm
I cant see the keyboard either
ilyinfinityplus0 12:45 pm
put it further away from you
LLBL Vincent 12:46 pm
Im feeling around
ya knnow
ill ask you later
ilyinfinityplus0 12:46 pm
LLBL Vincent 12:46 pm
i cant see what you are saying
but i think you just laughed
ilyinfinityplus0 12:46 pm
LLBL Vincent 12:46 pm
ilyinfinityplus0 12:46 pm
LLBL Vincent 12:47 pm
mk... ill talk to you as soon as i can
yeah sorry
i cant see you
LLBL Vincent 12:47 pm
i hope we never go blind
or talkign will be difficult
love you
ilyinfinityplus0 12:47 pm
hahahahaa. I love your drunk eyes. You better save this conversation, ho.

-So I saved it.

The End.

Monday, January 11, 2010

I Kinda Feel Renewed Today :D

Soo.. I realized that my list of "Frequently Played" Music... Is getting out of hand..

30 Seconds to Mars, AFI, Anberlin, Angels and Airwaves, Breaking Benjamin, Coldplay, Collective Soul, Cute Is What We Aim For, Enya, Fiction Family, Foo Fighters, Framing Hanley, The Fray, Frou Frou, Goo Goo Dolls, Greg Laswell, Guster, The Hush Sound, Imogen Heap, Jack Johnson, Jack's Mannequin, James Morrison, Jay-Z, Jon Foreman, Journey, JT, Kanye, Keane, Lifehouse, Lilly Allen, Linkin Park, The Lost Prophets, Luda, Mat Kearney, Mika, Mobile, Molly Jenson, My Chemical Romance, My Favorite Highway, The Myriad, O.A.R, Oasis, OneRepublic, Owl City, Panic at the Disco, Paramore, Peter Bjorn and John, Phil Wickham, Pink, The Pogues, The Postal Service, Relient K, Sara Bareilles, The Scene Asthetic, Secondhand Serenade, Seether, The Shins, The Smiths, Snow Patrol, The Spill Canvas, Stone Sour, Story of the Year, Switchfoot, There For Tomorrow, Third Day, Three Days Grace, T.I, Timbaland, The Used, Vitamin String Quartet, The Who, Yellowcard.

I could cut back... Or I could just have earbuds surgically implanted into my ears... that sounds better :D

Yeah,, soo..I spent all day looking at info for my weekend trips in Europe. SO MUCH INFORMATION!
Air Fares, Buses, Trains, Ferries, Bed and Breakfasts, Hostles, Currency Converters, Must Sees, Cheap Eats and Drinks, Safety Tips, Internet Hot Spots.....ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh BUT! The good news is that V and I planned a group trip to Ireland by plane... for like 150 bucks (Like round trip with bus fairs and lodging and everything.. yeah) because we are amazing. Shannon, Cliffs of Moher, and Bumpa* here I come :D
Next Planning is for our March trip to Geneva, and then our early April trip to The South of France.
I think the excitement is finally overwhelming me.. all of my bags come in the mail tomorrow, so I can start packing.. I think Im going to have to tranq. myself to get to sleep tonight.

- Daddy and I just got back from Mars Hill* though. Its funny, almost every member of my family has come with me now... and all of them agree. ITS AMAZING. Im so blessed they put sermons online so that I wont be without teaching in Europe.
Im currently working on Marks* sermon on Ruth on my own.

While in Service we've been working on the Identity of Jesus in Luke.

Please if you feel like you havent been being fed, Spiritually lately, watch these.. They are very challenging, interesting, and applicable sermons for everyday life.

Ok, well. Grace is staring at me because she wants to go to bed.. and apparently wont go without me (she has issues, or... rather maybe I do for talking to her... lol)

Keeping Grandma Kidd and Papa in my prayers this week especally, and if you could too, Id greatly appreciate it.

Night Friends :D

*Bumpa is my moms dad, his ashes were spread in Ireland, and he is where I get my Irish-ness from... Im excited to feel close to him...

**Mars Hill - Check it out here.

** Pastor Mark Driscoll -

Mark Driscoll's Bio:
Raised behind a strip club in a rough neighborhood near Seattle, Mark Driscoll attended a local Roman Catholic church and served as an altar boy. Not until college did he read the Bible cover-to-cover and turn his life over to Jesus. Five years later, at age 25, having no formal training he invited 12 people to meet in the living room of his rented house and founded Mars Hill Church.
Today more than 6,000 people attend one of Mars Hill's four campuses each Sunday in Seattle. His sermons are downloaded more than a million times a year. Driscoll also co-founded and is president of the Acts 29 Church Planting Network having helped launch more than 100 churches in the U.S. and seven countries. Most recently he founded and leads the Resurgence Missional Theology Cooperative, a resource enabling people to effectively reach their community by leading biblically faithful and culturally relevant lives.
Visit Mark's website at

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Fray and Timbaland? Yes please :D

This makes me want to look up Esthero. I think I will. lol.

Birthday dinner this weekend/Canada/Drs. Appointments/Last Minute Coffee Dates/Packing

15 Days till I leave... enjoying the slow wind of my new film camera and long walks with Grace till then :D