Sunday, June 14, 2009

You could consider this a bad day...

I was coaxed out of bed at 5pm today with a pudding cup and a clean warm blanket.

Sometimes, life has to be just about yourself. I always thought I was trapped into what I do because of how it would effect everyone else. But this only effects me. And if I dont start taking myself, and my health into consideration, it could just get worse.
And that scared me into bed. For a while.

Lord grant me the peace to get through this.

"While we wait for rescue with our eyes tightly shut, face to the ground using our hands to cover the fatal cut. Though the pain is an ocean tossing us around, around, around, You have calmed greater waters, higher mountains have come down. So I will sing of your mercy, that leads me through valleys of sorrow to rivers of joy."

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